Before & after


A nose surgery involves removing the excess nasal cartilage and rasping the excess nasal bone. The surgeon must change the shape of the nose while keeping its supports and its respiratory function intact. Therefore, it is crucial that this surgery is performed by a careful and experienced specialist.

Patient 1 – Rhinoplasty

Patient 2 – Rhinoplasty

Patient 3 – Rhinoplasty

Patient 4 – Rhinoplasty

Patient 5 – Rhinoplasty

Patient 6 – Rhinoplasty

Patient 7 – Rhinoplasty

Patient 8 – Rhinoplasty

Patient 9 – Rhinoplasty

Patient 10 – Rhinoplasty

Patient 11 – Rhinoplasty

Patient 12 – Rhinoplasty

Patient 13 – Rhinoplasty

Patient 14 – Rhinoplasty

Patient 15 – Rhinoplasty, Chin implant and Restylane

Patient 16 –Rhinoplasty, Chin implant.

Patient 17 – Rhinoplasty and mentoplasty

Patient 18 – Rhinoplasty and mentoplasty

Patient 19 – Rhinoplasty and mentoplasty

Patient 20 – Rhinoplast and Premaxiliary implant

Patient 21 – Rhinoplasty, Chin implant, Frontoplasty and Lifting of the left angle of the mouth

Source: The practice of Dr. N. Fanous MD, ORL, FRCS(c)

Warning: These photos are published for reference only to provide information on the nature of the intervention. They do not constitute a guarantee of results.


Book an appointment

1 Westmount Square, Bureau 1380,
Montréal, QC, Canada, H3Z 2P9

Phone : 514-613-4758

Book a FREE appointment to learn more about Rhinoplasty